The IODP Forum is a venue for exchanging ideas and views on the scientific progress of the International Ocean Discovery Program. The Forum is the custodian of the IODP Science Plan 2013-2023 and provides advice to the IODP Facility Boards on Platform Provider activity. IODP Forum meets annually and membership is open to all countries, consortia, or entities that provide funds to IODP platform operations.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is the current Forum Chair for the term October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2024. Dr. Brinkhuis is the Chair of Marine Palynology and Paleoecology at Utrecht University. Dr. Brinkhuis is a marine geologist, marine palynologist, and paleoceanographer with over 200 publications. He has led and participated in four scientific ocean drilling expeditions, served Netherlands IODP (chair), the ECORD Science Support and Advisory Committee (ESSAC), the IODP Science Steering and Evaluation Panel (co-chair), and the Executive Committee of the Partnership for Observation of Global Ocean (POGO). He was also the Director of the NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research for ten years.
IODP Forum Documents:
IODP Forum Meeting History:
- May 27-28, 2014; Busan, South Korea. Hosted by Gil Young Kim, Korean Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)
- July 8-10, 2015; Canberra, Australia. Hosted by Neville Exon, Australia and New Zealand IODP Consortium (ANZIC)
- September 21-23, 2016; Búzios, Brazil. Hosted by Cleverson Guizan Silva, Universidade Federal Fluminense (CNPq and CAPES)
- September 11-13, 2017; Shanghai, China. Hosted by Zhimin Jian, State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University
- September 19-21, 2018; Goa, India. Hosted by B.K. Bansal, Ministry of Earth Sciences
- September 11-13, 2019; Osaka, Japan
- September 22-24, 2020; online/virtual
- October 11-12, 2021; Rome, Italy. Hosted by Dr. Elisabetta Erba, University of Milan, and Angelo Camerlenghi, National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics
- April 7-8, 2022; Vienna, Austria. Hosted by Gilbert Camion and Nadine Hallmann, ECORD Managing Agency, CEREGE
- September 14-15, 2022; Palisades, New York, United States. Hosted by Carl Brenner, U.S. Science Support Program, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- April 22-23, 2023; Vienna, Austria. Hosted by Bernhard Plunger, Vienna Academy of Sciences
- October 11, 2023; Wollongong, Australia. Hosted by Ron Hackney, Australian National University