• 21st Century Drilling: Building Capacity in the Digital Domain using Scientific Ocean Drilling Legacy Material - April 8-12, 2024; Bremen, Germany



  • SVALCLIME: Deep-time Arctic climate archives: High-resolution coring of Svalbard’s sedimentary record - October 18-21, 2022; Longyearbyen, Norway
  • VOCS: The Coupling of Volcanic, Climatic, and Sedimentary Processes across the Lifetime of Arc-Volcanic Systems - October 12-14, 2022; Lecco, Italy










  • Kazan Workshop on Abiotic HydrocarbonsApril 13-17, 2013, Kazan, Russia


  • Co-ordinated Scientific Drilling in the Beaufort Sea: Addressing Past, Present and Future Changes in Arctic Terrestrial and Marine Systems - February 12-15, 2012; Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada





  • Drilling for the Future - May 27-29, 2008; Edinburgh, United Kingdom


  • ECORD Teacher's Workshop: Exploring the Ocean Floor with the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program - April 18-19, 2007; Vienna, Austria


IODP provides pdf, jpg, and eps maps of drilled sites from all scientific ocean drilling programs through the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator. To add and visualize data in Google Earth or through other formats, IODP also maintains the following files:

  • Drilled Holes: Provides the location of all holes drilled during the scientific ocean drilling programs. Holes are added to these files once the Preliminary Report for the expedition is published. If available, water depth, meters of core recovered, links to core and log data, and links to the visual core description are provided. These files were last updated with available data in September 2024.
    • KML link (requires an internet connection for data and automatic updates)
    • KML file (downloadable)
    • CSV file (downloadable)
  • Scheduled Expeditions: Contains the location of proposed sites for planned expeditions until the expedition's Preliminary Report is published. Once the Preliminary Report is published, the expedition is moved to the Drilled Holes files. The Schedule Expedition files contain the expedition name, site name and coordinates, planned expedition dates, original proposal number, platform, co-chiefs, and a link to the expedition website. The data is collected the Scientific Prospectus or the drilling proposal, and the files were last updated in September 2024.
    • KML link (requires an internet connection for data and automatic updates)
    • KML file (downloadable)
    • CSV file (downloadable)
  • Proposed Sites: Shows the location of all sites in Active Proposals that were under review or awaiting scheduling as of the end of IODP. Sites from declined proposals are not included. The files contain the proposal name, site names and coordinates, lead proponent, review stage, and proposed platform. Sites from revisions, updates, and addenda might not be included.
    • KML link (requires an internet connection for data and automatic updates)
    • KML file (downloadable)
    • CSV file (downloadable)




Other Drill Site Maps for all IODP programs are periodically maintained and available from the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator. 

Frequently Used References/Acronyms

ACORK   Advanced Circulation Obviation Retrofit Kit
ADP   Amphibious Drilling Project
AGU   American Geophysical Union
ANZIC   Australia-New Zealand IODP Consortium
APL   Ancillary Project Letter
BCR   Bremen Core Repository
BGS   British Geological Survey
CAB   Curatorial Advisory Board
CDEX   Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC)
CDP   Common Depth Point
CEREGE   Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement
CIB   Chikyu IODP Board
CORK   Circulation Obviation Retrofit Kit
CPP   Complementary Project Proposal
DSDP   Deep Sea Drilling Project (1968-1982)
D/V   Drilling Vessel
ECORD   European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling
EECO   Early Eocene Climatic Optimum
EFB   ECORD Facility Board
EPC   European Petrophysics Consortium
EPM   Expedition Project Manager
EPSP   Environmental Protection and Safety Panel
ERB   Editorial Review Board
ESSAC   ECORD Science Support and Advisory Committee
ESO   ECORD Science Operator
GCR   Gulf Coast Repository
HSE   Health, Safety, and Environment
ICDP   International Continental Scientific Drilling Program
IGC   International Geological Congress
IODP   International Ocean Discovery Program (2013-2024)
IODP   Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (2003-2013)
IODP-MI   Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.
JAMSTEC   Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
JANUS   USIO Database System
J-CORES   Japanese Database System
J-DESC   Japan Drilling Earth Science Consortium
JOIDES   Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling
JR   JOIDES Resolution
JRFB   JOIDES Resolution Facility Board
JRSO   JOIDES Resolution Science Operator
KCC   Kochi Core Center
KIGAM   Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
K-Pg   Cretaceous-Paleogene
L2S   Land-2-Sea
LDEO   Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
LIMS   Laboratory Information Management System
LTBMS   Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System
LWD   Logging While Drilling
MarE3   Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (JAMSTEC)
MDP   Multi-phase Drilling Project
MEXT   Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan)
MoES   Ministry of Earth Sciences (India)
MOST   Ministry of Science and Technology (China)
MSP   Mission-Specific Platform
NanTroSEIZE   Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment
NJGS   New Jersey Geological Survey
NSF   National Science Foundation (USA)
ODP   Ocean Drilling Program (1983-2003)
PANGAEA   Publishing Network for Geoscientific & Environmental Data
PDB   Proposal Database System
POOH   Pull Out Of Hole
PRL   Proponent Response Letter
RCB   Rotary Core Barrel
SAC   Sample Allocation Committee
SCIMPI   Simple Cabled Instrument for Measuring Parameters In-situ
SEG-Y   Seismic data (designated Y) file in the Society for Exploration Geophysicists' (SEG) "standardized" format
SEP   Science Evaluation Panel
SIO   Scripps Institution of Oceanography
SSDB   Site Survey Data Bank
SSO   Science Support Office
USIO   United States Implementing Organization
USSSP   U.S. Science Support Program
WDC-MARE   World Data Center - Marine
WOW   Wait On Weather



The standard IODP publication series Scientific Prospectus, Preliminary Report, and Proceedings for each IODP expedition is written by the science party and published by IODP Publication Services at Texas A&M University. IODP Publication Services also maintains the searchable Scientific Ocean Drilling Bibliographic Database and publishes the following documents and reports: 

Scientific Drilling

Scientific Drilling, sponsored by the International Ocean Discovery Program and the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, is the open-access journal dedicated to the latest science and news from scientific drilling and related programs in the geosciences. The inaugural issue was published in 2005. Scientific Drilling delivers peer-reviewed reports from recently scientific drilling projects, reports on engineering/technical developments, workshops, and other news/updates from the community. Scientific Drilling is published by Copernicus GmbH on behalf of German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ). 

Scientific Literature

Researchers using IODP samples and data once the moratorium period has passed are encouraged to publish their results in the peer-reviewed literature. They are requested to comply with the following guidelines from the IODP Sample, Data, and Obligations Policy:

  • Submit a manuscript for publication, if possible, within 36 months after receiving samples.
  • Include the words International Ocean Discovery Program or IODP in the abstract (or wording appropriate to the DSDP, ODP, or the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program). 
  • Acknowledge IODP in all publications that result from the data collected from samples received using the following wording: This research used samples and/or data provided by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). Funding for this research was provided by _________.
  • Provide the following key words, as appropriate, to the manuscript publisher: International Ocean Discovery Program, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Ocean Drilling Program, or Deep Sea Drilling Project name of drilling platform, Expedition or Leg ###, expedition or leg title, and/or Site ### (where ### is the cruise or site identifier).
  • Notify the IODP curator of manuscript acceptance and submit complete citation information so the publication can be entered into the Scientific Ocean Drilling Bibliographic Database. 


Workshops are often used to develop new drilling proposals that can optimize possible science through use of IODP’s platforms or to synthesize research results. IODP does not have a central funding source for workshops. Proponents can contact their PMO, funding agencies, and other sources for more information on their funding opportunities, including USSSP's IODP Workshop Program and the MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to post an announcement about an IODP-related workshop on this page.


  • Autonomous Investigation During Drilling (January 15-17, 2025; Woods Hole, Massachusetts). Conveners: Richard Camilli (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), Lori Summa (University of Texas, Austin; Rice University), and Peter Vrolijk (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology).
  • Evolution of the Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets (February 4-7, 2025: Belfast, Northern Ireland). Conveners: Sara Benetti (Ulster University), Georgina Heldreich (Ulster University), Wolfram Geissler (Alfred Wegener Institute), and Colm Ó Cofaigh (Durham University).

View a list of IODP-related Workshop Reports